Dennis Wingo: These are the tapes we processed in the past three weeks. (larger image). Wow, when the week started, I started capturing tape W5-38. At this moment tape W5-110 is playing. However, tapes 53-62 and tapes 99-104 had been previously captured. So subtract 15 tapes and we have 58 tapes captured this week. That certainly is a record for the project. Here are the tapes captured today.
W5-095, complete capture LOV-176H
W5-096, complete capture LOV-174M, 175H
W5-097, partial capture LOV-173M, complete capture 174H
W5-098, complete capture LOV-172M, 173H
W5-99, (captured earlier in year)
W5-100 (captured earlier in year)
W5-101 (captured earlier in year)
W5-102 (captured earlier in year)
W5-103 (captured earlier in year)
W5-104 (captured earlier in year)
W5-105, partial capture LOV-134H (completes image), complete capture 132M
W5-106, complete capture 133H, 131M
W5-107, complete capture 132H, 130M
W5-108, partial capture 131H, 130H, complete capture 129M
W5-109, partial capture 130H (completes image), complete capture 128M
W5-110, partial capture 129H, complete capture 127M
It is my goal for next week to complete the captures for LOV-Woomera. That will be 51 tapes, a few less than this week.
A project record.