NSSDC 71-13 May 1971
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This document contains photographic supporting data for Lunar Orbiters 1 through 5. These data, which were compiled by the National Space Science Data Center (NSSDC), are necessary for the interpretation and analysis of high- and medium-resolution Lunar Qrbiter’photographs. This document describes and presents the NSSDC Lunar Orbiter Photographic supporting Data printouts. Definitions of the elements of the data base, and the search capabilities of the NSSDC system used to produce these and other printouts are also included.
The NSSDC data file for Lunar Orbiter photographic supporting data was compiled from the latest revised and corrected version of photographic support data provided by The Boeing Company under contract to NASA/Manned Spacecraft Center. This version contains revisions to the Lunar Orbiter supporting data prepared by The Boeing Company in 1969 (References 1 to 5).
The photographic supporting data are accurate only to the extent that the input data are error free and that assumptions made in the computations are valid; the Boeing data are the latest version of Lunar Orbiter photographic parameters. Revisions to the original, data were based on the most recent error analysis, and definitions of the lunar model and planetary ephemerides. Desciptions of the recognized sources of error can be found in “Lunar Orbiter Photographic Data” [Reference 6).
The items selected from the Boeing data for inclusion in the NSSDC data output are those thought, to have the broadest application to most users of the Lunar Orbiter photographic data. Information included by Boeing but not extracted by NSSDC is shown in Table 1.
The NSSDC Full List Ordered by Mission and Frame Numbers (Appendix A) contains photographic supporting data for a related pair of high and medium-resolution frames. A sample of the data, as they appear in this printout, is shown in Figure 1. Definitions of the items (column headings] contained in each entry are given in Table 2. Figures 2 and 3 show the geometry of the items listed as they relate to photograph exposure and camera fi m .
Two alternate output listings fromthe data base of the NSSDC supporting data are included as’ Appendix B and Appendix C. The list of position parameters ordered by mission and frame number (Appendix B) shows the comer coordinates of high- and medium-resolution frames. The list of illumination parameters ordered by missioon and frame number (Appendix C) includes selected illumination data.
A logical search capability of the database createad for the NSSDC supporting data has been developed for filling specific requests. The allowable search terms are given’ in Table 3. Each term can be combined in any logical relationship with any other term. For numeric fields, the relationships of ‘greater than,’ ‘less than,’ or ‘between’ are valid in the search terms.